18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA

dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers – cosmetic treatments

July 28, 2015
Fighting Wrinkles with Veggies

Fighting Wrinkles with Veggies

People who are wary of their wrinkles often think of Botox and fillers. While these treatments can do marvels in skillful hands, there are simple steps we can take in our everyday life to reduce or delay the need for these treatments. According to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, people who eat lots of green and yellow vegetables tend to develop fewer wrinkles, including those pesky crow’s feet. It’s no surprise as colorful vegetable are great sources of anti-aging phytochemicals and antioxidants. Here are a few healthy foods that can specifically help your skin and your body: […]
June 23, 2014
How Can Dermal Fillers Reverse Years Of Aging In Minutes?

How Can Dermal Fillers Reverse Years Of Aging In Minutes?

Aging is a complex process that involves interaction of several genetic and environmental factors. A part of it is dictated by our genes over which we have little control (yet), but a big part of aging process is the result of what our body faces in day to day life over years – diet and lifestyle choices, stress, and sun exposure. No matter what the causes are, the aging involves certain changes in our skin hallmarked by damage and loss of connective tissue of the skin. Collagen and elastin – molecular strands that provide tensile and elastic support for skin […]