18 Endeavor, Suite 200, Irvine, CA


May 23, 2019

Here is when Botox and other muscle relaxing injections come to rescue

We need muscles to move, eat and laugh, but too much muscle contraction can lead to problems ranging from painful jaws and teeth grinding to all kinds of lines and wrinkles. Here is when Botox and other muscle relaxing injections come to rescue! When injected carefully into the muscles, Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are capable of blocking the transmission of signals from the nerve terminals into the muscles, reducing and preventing muscle contraction in a controlled and reversible way. These medications can be used for a number of different conditions including migraines, muscle spasms, excessive sweating (also called Hyperhidrosis), TMJ […]
October 23, 2018

SculpSure vs CoolSculpting

A question we get often at the clinic is “What is the difference between SculpSure and CoolSculpting?” While many patients have seen satisfactory results with other body contouring and fat reduction treatments, at Amoderm we exclusively provide SculpSure treatments for a number of reasons. Treatment and Time: For starters, the laser wavelength used in SculpSure is absorbed selectively by the fat cells while leaving the skin and other tissues untouched, providing precise and predictable results. Our treatments are customized for a variety of shapes and sizes, whereas with fat freezing, the treatments are limited by how much at can be […]
October 18, 2018

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is among the latest and most advanced non-invasive, non-surgical, local fat reduction and body contouring treatments. SculpSure is FDA-approved for treatment and reduction of stubborn fat in the abdomen, flanks, back, and inner/outer thighs, but can also be used in many other areas of the body as well. SculpSure is able to effectively destroy fat cells with no down-time in a 25 minute treatment session. The result is a better-toned and slimmer body without the down-time that is often associated with other fat-reducing treatments. For all of you who put in the time and effort at the gym but […]
November 3, 2017

How to correct nose issues without surgery

HOW TO CORRECT NOSE ISSUES WITHOUT SURGERY When it comes to correction of nose shape and issues related to that, surgery has been long recognized as the one and only solution. Rhinoplasty or “nose job” remains a popular surgery among those who are looking for a more balanced and pleasant look, but like any other surgeries, pain, risks, lengthy downtime and costs prevent many from going ahead with their plans. Liquid Rhinoplasty Luckily we now have a real alternative. Thanks to advances in non-surgical cosmetic treatments, your doctor can use a variety of fillers – typically used to restore volume […]
July 28, 2015
Fighting Wrinkles with Veggies

Fighting Wrinkles with Veggies

People who are wary of their wrinkles often think of Botox and fillers. While these treatments can do marvels in skillful hands, there are simple steps we can take in our everyday life to reduce or delay the need for these treatments. According to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, people who eat lots of green and yellow vegetables tend to develop fewer wrinkles, including those pesky crow’s feet. It’s no surprise as colorful vegetable are great sources of anti-aging phytochemicals and antioxidants. Here are a few healthy foods that can specifically help your skin and your body: […]
June 1, 2015
Botox Rejuvenating Effects May Go Beyond Easing Lines and Wrinkles

Botox Rejuvenating Effects May Go Beyond Easing Lines and Wrinkles

A New study shows that Botox does more than just relaxing your muscles and easing out the wrinkles! To be healthy and youthful, our skin should do well in 3 key aspects: strength, pliability (ability to stretch), and elasticity (ability to recoil). Unfortunately, these characteristics diminish and degrade as we age. We commonly use Botox to relax the facial muscles, easing out the lines and wrinkles that are caused by excessive use of those muscles, but new evidence shows that Botox does more than this. According to a new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (Bonaparte J […]
November 9, 2014
Tips for Better Cosmetic Treatment Results

Tips for Better Cosmetic Treatment Results

At Amoderm, we take pride in our commitment to stand by our patients in their rejuvenating journey to let their true natural beauty and youthfulness shine! Here are a few tips to ensure better treatment results: – We don’t age over night, so it is unrealistic to expect to reverse the effects of years of aging with just one or two treatments. Achieving best results calls for commitment and working closely with your doctor. Nothing beats developing an ongoing, friendly and trusting relationship with your physician as a partner and companion in your rejuvenating journey! – Don’t over-focus on one or few problems. Some patients […]
September 22, 2014
The Curious Case of Botox

The Curious Case of Botox

Everybody knows how Botox,
July 26, 2014
How Can We Awaken Our Body's Own Rejuvenating Potentials?

How Can We Awaken Our Body’s Own Rejuvenating Potentials?

Our body has some amazing potentials to heal and rejuvenate itself. When we accidentally cut ourselves, healing pathways are activated and the wound is quickly sealed. With a surge of growth factors, fibroblasts and other stem cells are activated to recruit new blood vessels and form new collagen and other components of youthful healthy skin. You might have noticed that the skin over a recently healed wound often looks healthier, firmer, smoother and brighter than the surrounding skin, an indicator of how our body regenerates new healthy skin during the healing process. Only if we could trick our body to do its magic to the skin everywhere without the need to suffer any wounds! The […]
October 23, 2018

SculpSure vs CoolSculpting

A question we get often at the clinic is “What is the difference between SculpSure and CoolSculpting?” While many patients have seen satisfactory results with other body contouring and fat reduction treatments, at Amoderm we exclusively provide SculpSure treatments for a number of reasons. Treatment and Time: For starters, the laser wavelength used in SculpSure is absorbed selectively by the fat cells while leaving the skin and other tissues untouched, providing precise and predictable results. Our treatments are customized for a variety of shapes and sizes, whereas with fat freezing, the treatments are limited by how much at can be […]